Posted: 3 August, 2015. Written by Justyna
'Developing a laboratory proficiency framework for the UK compost and digestate certification schemes'
This project looked at developing a framework for a laboratory proficiency scheme that could be implemented by the UK certification schemes to ensure that laboratory performance is consistent and adequate across the range of tests required for the materials.
Compost Certification Scheme was involved on the steering group for the project and has already implemented a number of the recommendations highlighted by the project. Earlier this year the CCS issued Terms and Conditions for the appointed laboratories which they must comply with. These include many elements and recommendations from the project, for example performance and compliance criteria, spot checks and participation in inter-laboratory trials. In addition to this, CCS has appointed independent auditors, Heriot-Watt University to carry out audits to check the conformance of laboratories appointed under CCS with their Terms and Conditions. CCS is now working on setting up a proficiency testing scheme to PAS100. The recommendations from this project provide very useful background information and will inform future development of CCS.
More details and the report can be found on the following web site: